What do I love about DCUfm? – Sean Defoe, The Shack

Every day this week we will be publishing answers to a question we asked our members: “What do you love about DCUfm?”

If you want to share the story of why you love DCUfm, email it to Cian@DCUfm.com in 200-300 words!

“To say that The Shack came from humble beginnings is a massive understatement. Eoin and I began our time in DCUfm the same way that every other first year does, with the assigned shows. Indeed the most memorable bit about my first few words on DCUfm was admitting to the campus that my initials spell STD. Then one day at the end of last semester we decided we would propose a show and from there we never looked back.

Following a few nights of throwing around crazy ideas over cups of tea and overloading a Google doc with plans we had a show proposal together. However since then the show has become so much more for us. People are really willing to invest in something if you give it the time and attention that it deserves and the fact that we have a loyal listenership who have helped us out with ideas and tips means a huge amount.

DCUfm is a culture in DCU and through it you make friends but more importantly you make family. You meet people who think the same way you think and who build a culture of support around each other. The Shack as a show would not be half as good without the help of other shows and the DJ’s from those shows. Everyone is willing to help each other out and it all leads to fantastic radio being made by fantastic people.

We were lucky enough to be chosen as DJs of the year at this year’s Hybrid awards, however our entry featured sketches that we did with other people from DCUfm and I’m certain we wouldn’t have won without them.

In less than a year the group of enthusiastic first years that landed into assigned shows with Eoin and I have become presenters and contributors that rival the standard on many professional radio stations. They have been trained to use the equipment in the studio that is the same equipment used by the likes of Newstalk and RTÉ but more importantly they have created a culture of professionalism, excellence and fun. DCUfm is a great place to be and I can say that my life would not be what it is today without the station.”

- Sean Defoe

What do I love about DCUfm? – Sarah Stacey, The Rock Files

Every day this week we will be publishing answers to a question we asked our members: “What do you love about DCUfm?” 

If you want to share the story of why you love DCUfm, email it to Cian@DCUfm.com in 200-300 words!

“Before I came to college, I knew that I wanted to get involved with DCUfm. I’d always been interested in radio and had done a little bit of work experience in my local station, but I was otherwise a complete beginner. When I arrived at DCU last September, I was welcomed into the station along with all the other new people straight away. It didn’t matter how little we knew; we were shown exactly how everything worked by a fantastic team of people who made us all feel like we each had an important role to play in the station.

I’m now almost finished my first year here, and getting involved with DCUfm has been by far the best thing I have done. What I love most about DCUfm is how supportive and close-knit it is. There is always someone around to help you out if you need it, and you never stop learning. Everyone is so dedicated to what they do.

This semester a friend and I have been presenting a Thursday evening rock music show called The Rock Files, which is the highlight of our week. This is the kind of show I used to wish I could do some day, and DCUfm has given me a platform to do it. I know that I would never have been able to do this any other way, so DCUfm has truly been an amazing experience for me. I’m excited about continuing to be a part of this station for the next two years, and I know that the experience I’m gaining here will be vital for my future.”

- Sarah Stacey, The Rock Files

DCU SU Election 2013 coverage

Like last year, DCUfm will be bringing you the most up-to-date and comprehensive election coverage for this year’s DCU SU Elections. Listen in to our hourly bulletins, Newswire and follow our award-winning newsteam on Twitter and Facebook.

We also are bringing back our GIANT Election Hub where we will be posting plenty of blog posts daily. Right now, there are interviews and profiles of some of the candidates, with more coming soon. Check out last year’s election coverage here, if you want to see what this hub will be in the coming days.