New branding!

Yup, after many years of our trusty old logo, DCUfm has decided to update our image, slightly. With an updated logo comes a new style guide. Click “more” for the full styleguide and to download the new logo files!


And we’re back!

We are entering into week two of Semester 2, and it’s the earliest DCUfm has ever started broadcast! We have a record number of shows taking part, a record number of volunteers and will hopefully produce a record amount of fantastic student radio.

It took us a long time to schedule everything, but we managed to fit everybody who wanted to be on the station into the schedule at some stage throughout the week, and we are very excited to hear what you guys do with a fantastic resource for radio education.

See you in the studio,

DCUfm Management

Show Proposals 2012/2013 Semester 2

It is time to propose your show! Closing date for show proposals is Friday the 4th of January or whenever our slots are filled (most likely well before that), so get these in ASAP. Everybody must propose their show, even shows that have been on DCUfm in the past, including last semester. Shows which are not proposed and just ‘presumed’ to be continuing will be cancelled, as we won’t have full record of them when we are building our schedules.

This semester, anybody who was part of DCUfm during semester 1 and who attended the training sessions can propose a show. If you’d prefer to be assigned a show, we will be reopening that process in the new year. If you have not been part of DCUfm before, you may not propose a show, and will be assigned a show. Simply reporting on a show such as Action Replay or Newswire does not count, as you are unlikely be be aware of how the majority of the station operates. Training sessions will be run again in the new year.

For more info, please click “More”.
