Management Confessions

My name is Ciarán and I’m a Radio Addict.

These “Inside Management” posts will hopefully give a good insight into what goes on behind the scenes here in DCUfm.

However, a wee synopsis of my journey to date before I begin rambling. I joined DCUfm when I came to DCU in Septemeber 2010. I had no Radio experience whatsoever and chose Communication Studies because it seemed like it suited the type of person I am and the things I’m into. I started off dialling phones and scanning newspapers behind the scenes on Newswire, the flagship Current Affairs show on our beloved dear station. I worked and worked on that and I remember the sheer thrill of getting a high profile Politician on the line. It sounds very sad and pathetic. It is very sad and pathetic. I love it!


How to run a Student Radio Station – The Story so Far

Here at DCUfm, we regularly get emails asking how we do what we do, why we do what we do and the problems and pitfalls that we have overcome. “Inside Management” is a weekly series of blogposts which aims to compile as much information as we possibly can on what it takes to run a full-time college radio station, broadcasting from 9am until midnight every weekday. We’ll also be sharing fun behind the scenes moments, and a little bit of insider knowledge. For the first two posts, both coming this week, Ciaran and I will be discussing what we have done so far to get this year off the ground.

Firstly though, I’d like to introduce myself. I’m Cian Mac Mahon, and I have been involved in DCUfm since 2010. In my first year of involvement, I started off simply rebroadcasting my podcast, View From The Quad, but near the end of the year became more and more involved in working on the website. In 2011, I was appointed Technical Manager, and was completely in charge of the website, as well as many of the technical hardware in the station. I rebuilt the site to be more streamlined and user accessible, a process that I hope to cover at some future point in this series. In 2012, I was elected Deputy Station Manager, and here I am!
